To: Monica Costea and Alexandra Grigorosoaea
His father called him Amal on the name of the poet Amal Denkul; as his father was fond of poetry and classical music
Amal stood in front of the mirror; admiring his twinkling and elegant suit as his usual daily habit whether was it summer or the winter season; listening to the overture of Wagner's opera Lohengrin; putting on his handkerchief then his hat; the hat must be tilted forward slightly; lifting the gramophone needle; smiling, then disembarked
Place: at Amal's
Amal and his girlfriend are sitting; she on the couch and him on his favorite chair
The girl: What's wrong with you?
Amal: nothing!
-- Silence --
: Don’t you agree with me that the era of land slavery has returned again?
: What do you mean?
: That in the recent past the individual used to work for a certain number of hours and receive a certain output ; Now; working double and obtain the same output!
: Maybe
: It is the fear; the fear of the unknown is what will remain the only motivation for this human life, and this miserable senseless human life can be noticed for most people; these unfortunate submitted characters or perhaps mad, yet in silence! Look at these subjects passing by in the street; you will not find anyone smiling, everybody has a sad face on!
-- Silence --
: What do you intend to do?
Smiling in the bitterness: What i do and what I intend to do is always my belief that it could not be done; my success or failure, that is another matter; I reached a point that I do not seeks success it is just that I don’t want to fail anymore. The worst thing is the submission to my mental illness to be referred to by some as a wise man!
The psychiatrist: What seems to be your problem?
And now, no matter matured I turned to be; my childhood memories will continuously haunt me, perhaps I will get married and give birth to three children as I wished and possibly my husband will cheat on me like my father did to my mother and but.... ill forgive him, ill forgive him because ill love him.....
: don't cry my little one; don't cry please! I strongly want to make love to you!
He touched her Lips with his fingers; looked into her eyes and kissed her; carrying her to his room and lied on his bed and exercised the act of love
Amal stood in front of the mirror; admiring his twinkling and elegant suit as his usual daily habit whether was it summer or the winter season; listening to the overture of Wagner's opera Lohengrin; putting on his handkerchief then his hat; the hat must be tilted forward slightly; lifting the gramophone needle; then disembarked
Amal stood before the river
: I may understand the deep desire of the human beings for the need for creation; thus achieving perfection and defying God; but I will not understand the desire of human beings in destruction; destroying anything and everything beautiful they ever had or even seeing it, owning it then destroying it! She is a beautiful girl and I am devastated; love offset love and destruction offset of mass destruction; then threw himself in the river.
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