Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Restless minds


To: Alexandra Grigorosoaea

He got out a cigarette from its golden box, made sure to tap it twice, kindled then inhaled slowly

: As human beings; You have instincts which for now and for the purpose of the commencement of the theory; we will identify them as good and bad instincts; often; apparently at least; beings show chastity and virtue, and control the instincts which are known as the good such as hunger, thirst and gain the desirability of everyone; on the other hand, the instincts known as the bad ones such as sex, murder and hatred; you detest it by all means; always seeking sanctuary; maybe religion or perhaps a group of individuals like you seeking refuge and collectively show the despise towards human beings outside the group; This trend was identified by Oscar Wilde as virtue; and forget that you are a human being, whether you want it or not, the instinct must be fed, you may kill a cockroach and forget it once you are done with the cleaning, but you should know well; You killed

: Who are you?

: When you know that I do what I do hiding from sight in order to live; afraid of their knowledge of the truth; that when you know it; I mean the truth; whole truth; Only then; you will realize, that I'm just a Human being!

-- Silence --

: Let us take a short break

interrupting: What is the favorite dance? I, personally, like waltz; the glowing image of the people dressing elegantly in their ancient and old celebration the spirit of happiness is immense in me; or so I imagine when I see the celebration scene in a movie like Leopard

: What are you doing when you are lonely?

': Lonely? Loneliness is the real inevitable thing; such as death; or perhaps it is another kind of death; but at least I still am alive and therefore; I read; reading helps me sympathize with the people who will not sympathize with me

: have you fallen in love?

: I loved this child; I knew it was impossible to establish any relationship between us; he was a beautiful boy; tall with silky hair, he had the beauty of a Greek goddess; dealing with their mythology instill fear in everybody's soul; looking directly into their eyes is punishable by death ; gaze, but do not wonder; wonder but not admire; admire but don't not love; only a few, who were permanently challenging; climbing up the top of Mount Olympus, as soon as they reach it; even die; Ultimately; it is that kind of beauty that kills!

: Then, what is the end?

The End

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