They walked out on me. They haven't done that since I was a beginner. The cycle is complete
Friday, June 27, 2008
The Grey Butterfly
To: Alexandra
Grey-colored butterfly flying
In small circles around the coinciding trees
The sky shed drops of water in slow motion
that hang from the leaves
To water the flowers
I calmly walk bare feet
I see the seven colors of the sky
Flying in front of me in space
It's these moments that they coexisted through me
That love life, that wont be divested from me
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The moon in the middle of the sky
To: Alexandra
My Marsh will be played in Heaven
With all who dreamt and couldn’t achieve
Ill laugh my last laughs, here, before I leave
Ill live in the legend that I have created
To be able to finally smile
Applaud my friends, the comedy is over
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Surrealist Narcissus (In English)
To: Alexandra
Still enduring what I inherited,
Emoting our perpetual love,
While standing down the road
I still remember
Words seem so feeble,
Volatilize as I speak,
Smolder as I think,
I still remember
An improbable thought
that I didn’t understand till now,
When I saw the lightness in her eye
I still remember
Afraid of yourself to let go,
What could be more joyful in our life,
than our childhood to play with?
The simple love of life
You need to close your eyes and see,
that half an hour lasts for 30 minutes
Green Valley ( In English)
To: Alexandra
In endless coil, im floating on,
Can still feel it in my spine
Aching, Asking
In a never ending picture of the spring
Shaking as the wind moves,
Steady, steady, I said
A pang
Hitting from up above or down below
Was it right?
Wouldn’t say was wrong either,
A young girl running in the field with her mother
To Alexandra
The radiated light that you see,
is the nurse's white gown.
Half her face is lit;
the half facing the window.
Like roses aside the railroad
A moment passed; perhaps several ones
And the silence is still mute
That day my little one, ( in English)
For just a second that soon to fade away
The permanence of the thought still remain
Our ephemeral joy is to be lived even longer
As Imminence love is yet to come
It was just a sunny Monday
Rays passing by through the melancholic clouds
Flashing all around your face
Caressing your freckles
I touch your cheeks in a gentle gesture
Your laughter swirls from within afterwards
And it is just getting better all the time
Childish looks is what I search for
And laughter onwards from our deep core
Just floating all around and around
Covering our faces as the light is still crossing the sky
Touching your luscious lips as time goes by
I'm not promising anything
Just adorable paean we shall live in
Sensation of that feeling, that day,
Is what should be described in that way
Complete zeal is the theme of our day
Barefoot inside the palace
To: A G
When my dreams become my nightmares
What I dream of doing is what can be my major sin
My desire is what prompts me to do anything
But is it really in my fate to do this anything?
Does it really matter what I do?
I'm no longer afraid
Perhaps through me I still am afraid
Yet I drew the courage on my face
My soul has become alienating from submission and adhesion
Looking around and no one in sight
Are they really following me?
Or am I following my own footsteps?
Am i really dieing?
The Black Nail Polish or the Blue Demon (In English)
The Human existence
To: Monica
what I see in my way
is what I cant change
Light is the last thing I saw before dying
The Girl with Blue eyes
To: Alexandra Grigorosoaea
Sitting with false pride
In the floating boat by the swamp
The Queen looked at the fog
The fog covering water with its off-white color
Her blue dress lightening the leaves
As imagination is what keeps us alive
Restless minds
To: Alexandra Grigorosoaea
He got out a cigarette from its golden box, made sure to tap it twice, kindled then inhaled slowly
: As human beings; You have instincts which for now and for the purpose of the commencement of the theory; we will identify them as good and bad instincts; often; apparently at least; beings show chastity and virtue, and control the instincts which are known as the good such as hunger, thirst and gain the desirability of everyone; on the other hand, the instincts known as the bad ones such as sex, murder and hatred; you detest it by all means; always seeking sanctuary; maybe religion or perhaps a group of individuals like you seeking refuge and collectively show the despise towards human beings outside the group; This trend was identified by Oscar Wilde as virtue; and forget that you are a human being, whether you want it or not, the instinct must be fed, you may kill a cockroach and forget it once you are done with the cleaning, but you should know well; You killed
: When you know that I do what I do hiding from sight in order to live; afraid of their knowledge of the truth; that when you know it; I mean the truth; whole truth; Only then; you will realize, that I'm just a Human being!
-- Silence --
: Let us take a short break
interrupting: What is the favorite dance? I, personally, like waltz; the glowing image of the people dressing elegantly in their ancient and old celebration the spirit of happiness is immense in me; or so I imagine when I see the celebration scene in a movie like Leopard
': Lonely? Loneliness is the real inevitable thing; such as death; or perhaps it is another kind of death; but at least I still am alive and therefore; I read; reading helps me sympathize with the people who will not sympathize with me
: have you fallen in love?
: I loved this child; I knew it was impossible to establish any relationship between us; he was a beautiful boy; tall with silky hair, he had the beauty of a Greek goddess; dealing with their mythology instill fear in everybody's soul; looking directly into their eyes is punishable by death ; gaze, but do not wonder; wonder but not admire; admire but don't not love; only a few, who were permanently challenging; climbing up the top of Mount Olympus, as soon as they reach it; even die; Ultimately; it is that kind of beauty that kills!
: Then, what is the end?
Who is Amal?
To: Monica Costea and Alexandra Grigorosoaea
His father called him Amal on the name of the poet Amal Denkul; as his father was fond of poetry and classical music
Amal stood in front of the mirror; admiring his twinkling and elegant suit as his usual daily habit whether was it summer or the winter season; listening to the overture of Wagner's opera Lohengrin; putting on his handkerchief then his hat; the hat must be tilted forward slightly; lifting the gramophone needle; smiling, then disembarked
Place: at Amal's
Amal and his girlfriend are sitting; she on the couch and him on his favorite chair
The girl: What's wrong with you?
Amal: nothing!
-- Silence --
: Don’t you agree with me that the era of land slavery has returned again?
: What do you mean?
: That in the recent past the individual used to work for a certain number of hours and receive a certain output ; Now; working double and obtain the same output!
: Maybe
: It is the fear; the fear of the unknown is what will remain the only motivation for this human life, and this miserable senseless human life can be noticed for most people; these unfortunate submitted characters or perhaps mad, yet in silence! Look at these subjects passing by in the street; you will not find anyone smiling, everybody has a sad face on!
-- Silence --
: What do you intend to do?
Smiling in the bitterness: What i do and what I intend to do is always my belief that it could not be done; my success or failure, that is another matter; I reached a point that I do not seeks success it is just that I don’t want to fail anymore. The worst thing is the submission to my mental illness to be referred to by some as a wise man!
The psychiatrist: What seems to be your problem?
And now, no matter matured I turned to be; my childhood memories will continuously haunt me, perhaps I will get married and give birth to three children as I wished and possibly my husband will cheat on me like my father did to my mother and but.... ill forgive him, ill forgive him because ill love him.....
: don't cry my little one; don't cry please! I strongly want to make love to you!
He touched her Lips with his fingers; looked into her eyes and kissed her; carrying her to his room and lied on his bed and exercised the act of love
Amal stood in front of the mirror; admiring his twinkling and elegant suit as his usual daily habit whether was it summer or the winter season; listening to the overture of Wagner's opera Lohengrin; putting on his handkerchief then his hat; the hat must be tilted forward slightly; lifting the gramophone needle; then disembarked
Amal stood before the river
: I may understand the deep desire of the human beings for the need for creation; thus achieving perfection and defying God; but I will not understand the desire of human beings in destruction; destroying anything and everything beautiful they ever had or even seeing it, owning it then destroying it! She is a beautiful girl and I am devastated; love offset love and destruction offset of mass destruction; then threw himself in the river.
Tonight we celebrate
To: Nadja
A small Boat floating by the shore of the lake,
In a dark night with one lightning star,
An Old fisherman standing with his wrecked fishnet
Having an eccentric look at it,
Throwing his fishnet towards it,
Which doesn’t reach
The end or the beginning
To: Tamer Zikry
The clock ticked exactly at 10
Nothing has changed since the morning
The birds are still flying
And flowers bowing where the sun rays are
I looked from my room window
And stayed quite still
Looking at the horizon,
Is my destiny going to be like the travelers around the world?
Traveling from one side to the other seeking the end
Maybe I will not reach the end
Maybe I have to look for the beginning
After Tomorrow
To: Sami Daoud
Bowing my head in shame
Wondering with no purpose for infinity
Sins were written on me
Holding the flags of hope
To restore my lost soul,
I see people crucified
: What are you doing?
A man: and what are we supposed to do
Another man: You passer by, tell them, tell them that we will defy death
A third man: let them torture us, let them crucify us
A fourth man: Be hold my friends, our end has come tomorrow, let them hang each and every piece of our bodies on the city gates, but we will not die,
We will not die tomorrow; our souls will become their bitter drink,
Skies up above, let your birds fly to them carrying our smiles,
We will become a fairy tale in children's stories
Our dreams will live forever
Our dreams will live forever
Tomorrow we die and after tomorrow our dreams will come true
The Existence
To: Alia
Leaving behind all what I dreamt of
Don’t search for me as you wont find me,
I wish I can wake up from long night sleep
Looking up the sky,
Seeing flying birds,
In melancholic nights,
Im afraid and cant speak
The Dreams
To: Sami Daoud
I was terrified from that feeling,
I killed them,
Without a tear shed,
I looked in their wide eyes,
With complete apathy,
The man with the velvet gown
To: Faten
Sitting in wide room at the corner
leaning on the wall
with a silent face on,
gazing at the nothing
The door knocks
Coinciding thoughts
To: You
Have you seen it?
How did it feel?
What have you done about it?
Didn’t it occur on your mind?
Look around you
In someone's memory
To: Laura
When I die,
When they stand in front of my tomb,
All what I hope for,
Is to be in someone's memory
The girl with the green Eyes
To: Gabriela
He lied meditating
flying high above
In the infinite space
Where eternal silence
Far and high trees
Seem short
And he still flies
When he remembered Djamila
He closed his eyes,
And saw flashing lights,
He opened his eyes and was standing by himself in the desert,
Listening to the great silence,
Looking at the far Horizon,
Where the castles were,
When he sat amongst people he knew,
Laughing and he smiles,
Crying and he shows sadness,
When life was just for living,
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
To you
To: Gabriela
Stay away
Look up above
To see the aspirations realized
Be who you are
It doesn’t matter whether you die or not
Sentiments will Escalate high above
And you look to smile
Only then you would feel peace
Finale of an evening of no one's life
To: Sami Daoud
So as not to see the pity in their eyes
You are broken
And the illusion of the defeat will haunt you
Live in your inner world
Flying far away
Were there obsolete streets and dilapidated buildings are,
Continue your endless smile,
Look at the top, the bottom and around you
The Now
To: Sami Daoud
When the demons were dancing,
Behind the silhouette
When the man stood in front of the mirror
Do you love Brahms?
3 AM
To: Nadia
from his window,
It was raining,
He cant see it now,
He touched his face
His eyes were tearing
The colors, Part 2
To: Nadia
The seven colors,
The colors of the rainbow,
At the dawn of the day,
A child looks at it,
It disappears
A bulb light fading
To: Alia
View of a person lying on the floor,
The end is far away,
The width is not wide
The ceiling has no ending
The floor is accurately carved
And the lying person crawling slowly
It is today and yesterday
It is tomorrow till the end
The Time
To: Rageh Daoud
with no value
Chair that was sat on by someone
A piece of white cloth
wore by a small child
Some of memories of a time
The were his favorite
it is just
another day
The 7th day
To: Sami Daoud
It is the 7th day,
The last day,
The day you stood before the sea,
Holding yourself together,
The sand feels soft beneath your feet,
It is the 7th day,
The day that you will finally know,
Who you are
To: Alia
It is a silent moment
It is a few words,
Like flying autumn leafs
It is almost fading feelings
It is a girl with a round face
It is a beautiful day
To: Alia
In a narrow street standing
Have you ever seen an old man holding his stick?
Walking slowly, steadily
Have you ever seen the pictures from the exhibition?
It is the blue color that gives life
The Eternity
To: Nadia
Its hope that brings faith,
Its faith that brings love,
Its love that brings eternity
To: Alia
A naked lying body,
As coming to life,
As god sins it,
As Human beings desire,
As it used to live in the past,
As it is, never and never will change
The Two-Faced Mirror
To: Alia
When one dies
when you don't grieve
despite their proximity to you
when you are happy for their birthday
because of their proximity to you
Love letter
To: Alia
The honored silence
To: Sami Daoud
Take a minute from your time,
Look at what has happened and what is coming next,
To know that you are unstable,
You are haunted by what you have inherited,
You don’t realize that till now,
When you took a minute from your time
The Rise
To: Faten
Hit by a car
recovered some of the moments of his life in a second
Saw the car approaching slow in slow motion
He died
To Faten
Group of pictures
Dating years ago,
You look at them to know how much time has passed by,
To know that you are alone,
And for the first time, you shed a tear without noticing,
For the rest of your life,
And maybe you will sleep,
In quietness
Prelude in the afternoon of no one
To: no one
A tall guy,
Wearing a fancy suit,
Standing behind a podium,
In a big hall,
With a high ceiling,
Giving his speech,
And no one is there
The Ideal contradiction
To: Faten
Closing their eyes to kiss
From embarrassment or pleasure
Stealing to get rich or to eat
Painting to decorate or for expression
Demonstrating when they get hit
Clapping while winning in violent sports
Decorating streets while celebration
Leaving others to clean after them
Living to enjoy
Because life comes once
The Attachment
To: Sami Daoud
A kid playing with its toy,
Another sleeping on its favorite bed
A guy sitting on a chair,
Another walking in the street,
A woman looking at the mirror,
Another looking at collection of photos
An old man walking in the garden,
Another owning a barber shop
In a small or a metropolis
Days passing by,
And their lives will end,
Probably in Peace
Beyond Nature
To: Faten
Surrounded by barren mountains
A Lake radiating green light
And tall trees with red leafs
The sound of light bumping slowly into the water,
A group of white geese floating
A passer by abandoned it
Monday, June 23, 2008
To: Faten
Red, Yellow and Barren trees,
Fresh, sweet, salty and bitter water
Long and short columns
Sun in the midday and another in midnight
Ice over the mountains
And sand under it
Vision from up above or from down below or from another era
And everything has, and will remain, as it is
The dream
To: Faten
Standing high at the top of Mountain
Wearing loose cloths
Her Black hair flying with the wind ..................
The white snow falling around her ....................
Her hand risen to the highest ...................
Her eyes are shut,
And fly towards the sun
Me and the other
To: Faten
In the past, it was possible that an individual struggling to disseminate the view of the other, now struggling to suppress it.
What is the use of dialogue as long as the end result is known? Rejection and rejection from the other
Were men created virtuous, or decadent?
The Girl with the black eyes
To: Faten
A squared de illuminated room,
Having four painting hanged
One for Virgin Marry as sculpted by Michael Angelo,
One for the che,
One for Don Quixote fighting the windmills,
And the last one for someone close,
A guy sits at the end of the bed,
Looking at them in weak meditation,
Is about to say something
And cant hear his voice
The white sun
A broken face,
On a remaining of a shattered mirror,
Foot prints on wet sands,
The sound of a sea in a sea shell,
A man standing raising his head high above,
Between high mountains,
He looks up for the sun,
That is covered by the clouds,
Meditating, Hoping,
Rain falls,
That wipes him
The Total Collapse
To: Faten
a castle far away ...
with a red arched door
Inhabited by animals; with sharp claws
and a man down the hill ...
Looking at the top;
Raising his hand with long nails;
Opening his mouth to say something
he says nothing, his hand goes down
And sits there;
at the bottom of the hill
The colors
To: Faten
Circles in all colors of the rainbow
floating in the vacuum
a man wearing a suit
Half is white, Half is black
Flying there... ..
His hand is extended... ..
His fingers trying to hold onto the circles
He cant, and falls
To: Human beings
Dark in the daytime
clouds cover the sun
the convoy move in the desert
In an endless road
to a mirage with no beginning
hoping for water
it moves and moves
An eagle flies by
To see it, standing; attached to the land
A Glimpse
To: Faten
An old lady,
Sitting at the corner of the narrow street,
Lonely with no facial expression,
And snow is all over her,
That covers her till her face,
That froze to death,
And dies,
With her old ragged cloths,
And people are passing by,
And she,
Will remain the same
Dusk till Dawn (In English)
To Faten
On the profile of my beloved
Her hair goes through her mouth
Which smiles to my face
The day passes by till dawn
Watching happy people passing by
She looked into my eyes to see
Purity and vanity
Purity of love
Vanity of the victorious unification
From dusk till dawn
Love goes on and on
Sitting in a black coffin
Silent, quiet, Depressed
The coffin lifted from the ground
Moved by some people
Dressed in black, silent
Sliding the coffin of their hands
To settle in its pit
And his grave is covered,
Were he remains laid forever
Diary of a dead guy (In English)
To: Alia
Wondering in the middle of the night
With my bear feet stick tight
I came nearer to see the flow
With their shiny dresses
I may or may not follow them
They took me to the stars above
To see the huge glow
Smoothly moving on a stream
I was happy, it was nice
But then again too fear to try
They dumped me there
I tried to swim again and again
But that was useless to try
And so, I die
The Long Black Dress (In English)
19th June 2004
Walk along with your grieves
Look at the shiny daemon
Feel the vengeance in your veins
Be lost in the shadows of blood
Swing high with your beloved
Be lost in the shadows of snow
But neither will wake you up
As the soul is vanished
In the fields of mind
To: God
Isn't strange that any source of radiation.... burns?
Light from the lamp; stars or the sun
We see with it and cant see without it; and forever still burning.
All the wisdom from God has a contradiction rising from it so humans can think, think and don’t reach, did God want the agony till humans die? Or sinking in eternal bewilderment? Maybe it is just for fun, as kids play with their toys, lifting it up and putting it down? Or he established a system with no interference so that every piece move by its will, survive and die accordingly?
Earth revolves around itself and around the sun; arising night and day, justice and injustice, hatred and love
God and resurrection
To: Sami Daoud
Atoms of sand flying aggressively
Interminableness approaching from the outset
Kingdoms and towers crumble down
Sea rising up to the end of the horizon
The Sun is burning into flames
Souls weakening
And animals lying in peace
Force sparks weakness
And the Force
Wiped away, and disappear
I hope that the white winter lasts
And the glitter of light voyager on the frozen mountain rivers
And the mother looks at the sky to stop crying
And blood dries from her son
And with Lord forgives her
Frozen Tears
To: The suppressed
Small children toddle in silence
A bowing man walking in the street
A clown who doesn’t laugh
Ladies with black cloth screaming
Black flags raised by someone
And white flags lowered with another's will
I dream .....
I dream that I dream to do
Never! You would never dream as long as you and we are alive
The Symbols
To: The people
Alone between shrinking walls that shrink more and more,
Alone and noise is all around me
The storm splashes on my face
The water drops crashes onto my body with its softness
Papers around me flying, flying high above
Alone and no one around me
The Black Vault
To: Faten
Vacuum is surrounding me
There is no love or hate
Exploring the scourge of loneliness
Listening to the voices of memories
seeing images from the past
Here I am alone
I see her without words
Hear her without sight
like blind and deaf
Walking in a black vault
struggling though the city walls
City of love that I have created
Here I am alone
No more speech or expression
There is only love and in silence
The Last Look
To: Salma
I mandate the stars to flare.....
I mandate the sun to rise.....
I mandate the sea to intervene.....
To end the day that barely started
As it increases the temptation.....
Drown your laughs ...
To swim behind them and end...
So as not to close my eyes and gaze at thee
Oh God... don’t make me ponder;
Look at the stars and demand love
Do not make me sit with the cold north,
and in the heat of the south.....
It is dawn by the sea
It seems that I will not sleep as long as I know
I loved thee who has no love for me
The Mathematical Equation
To: SamI DaouD
Today I completed 20 years and I do not know what i did about my life; It has been almost one third of it and I do not know what I will attempt to do; bearing in mind that I'll spend my last third ill!
Ill spend the rest of my life to do what I do; write; read; love; marry; work; and... and.....Eventually die; Thus my life is concluded with a gravestone written on it "Gone but Never Forgotten" written by my wife and children; that is if they loved me; if they didn't, they will write "Born on 24-8-1984, Died on 24-8-2044" and there, I sit lying Forever