Thursday, December 11, 2008

I the Clown


To: Alexandra

The red nose that still bleeds
The pale white face
And the curly wet hair
The frowned eyebrows
And the clown was created
That still wonders Laughing


Anca said...

Your poems are just like you... nothing hidden, all simple and clear.

(PS:it's not a critic)

Tamer Zikry said...

we were supposed to talk this weekend, i hope we still can

Roxana said...

hmm..that is one sad clown..

Anonymous said...

Nice Sami... keep it going... you are a special clown! I wait some poems full of hope and joy... cherss!

Razvan Aprodu said...

Hey Sami,
Nice touch with the poem, I really enjoyed it for the idea behind it.
Here's where the stuff I wrote in english, that I told u about once, are:

You can check it out if u want.